Horses are expert readers of the truth – what you are feeling in your heart underneath all the layers of what we think. My husband knows when I say, “I’m fine,” that is absolutely NOT the case.

Humans have the predator-like ability to disguise our emotions and intent. Horses are prey animals bred to detect the slight energetic or emotional imbalances. Don’t try to hide your truth from horses. They won’t trust you, and may even walk away.
Why do we pretend “everything’s fine” when it’s not? I’ve learned from Dolly and my horse friends over the years that it’s okay - even necessary - to admit our true feelings. Why pretend we have everything together and don’t need help when we’re overworked, lacking sleep, dealing with a family member's illness, or even when we just had a really crappy day.
Please, the horses and I want you to take a breath. Just be. Give yourself permission to bring to light the inner turmoil, sadness, fear, confusion that may live below the façade of perfection. They will stand with you, be here together.
It took me years to feel comfortable crying, and even more to let my husband witness me sobbing. I used to hold my breath, clench my jaw and shoulders and snap mean remarks to avoid the pain that wanted to surface. Now I’m grateful to have the ability to express what my heart is experiencing; be it tears of joy or immense grief. It’s allowed me to flow and transform.
This is the beauty of being present with the authentic truth, whatever that may be for you in a given moment. When the inner matches the outer being, we allow the body and mind to be in resonance, which is an incredibly healing place. It allows our soul to be at peace, regardless of what we are experiencing.
Horses help us let go of the stories we tell ourselves and others and experience the full spectrum of who we truly are. They hold us as whole, full of love, compassion, and connection. On the other side of fear, lives freedom.